The purpose I share my medical syllabus during my era is to help me know the topic should I revise during my free time to improve my medical knowledge and to give an idea for future medical students about the topic they would learn in medical school.
Topic discussed during my 7th Semester in Medical School:
1. Medical Etiquette:
a. Tropical Medicine:
- Ethical aspect in HIV and AIDS
2. Public Health:
a. Tropical Medicine:
- Non-infectious risk of travel: General health recommendation pre-travelling and during travelling (WHO international health regulations, general recommendations for vaccination and Immunoprophylaxis, geographical distribution of health potential risk for traveler, health information for traveler to Indonesia, motion sickness, sunburn, scuba diving hazards and animal-associated hazard)
- Infectious risk of travel: Prevention of specific infectious disease (prevention of malaria, rabies filariasis, hemophilus influenza type B -HiB, meningitis, amoebiasis, cholera, hepatitis, dengue fever, Japanese encephalitis, leptospirosis, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, measles - rubeola, mumps, varicella - chicken pox, rubella)
b. Family Medicine:
- Principle of Family Medicine: Continuity of care, comprehensiveness, coordination of care, community, family
- Family as a unit of care: Family structure, family functions, family as the social context of health care
- Family life cycle and its implications of health care: Human life cycle, stages of family life cycle, emotional process in transition of stages, first order changes, second order changes, problems encountered at each stage of the cycle, life stages and the impact of chonic illness, oppurtunity in each patient encounter
- Working with families: Biopsychosocial model, how family work - family system theory, interdependence, boundries, triangulation, family physician involvement with the family
- Tool for family assessment: Family dynamic, impact of illness on the family, tools for family assessment, family genogram, family circle, family APGAR
- Home care and palliative care: Who can benefit from a physician home visit, skills needed for home care (overcoming the fear of making home visit, initiating home visit, specific home visit skills, caring for the caregiver
- Health economics: Economic environment (Indonesian government program of "Sistem Jaminan Sosial Nasional", commercial insurance companies, manage care plans), billing system in family medicine practice (capitation system, utilization review, risk profit sharing, premi calculation)
- Special considerations in examining small children: Relieving anxiety, tailoring your examination to the age of the child, history and initial obsrevation, order of the examination, concluding the examinations
- Special considerations in caring for the adolescent patient: Adolescent - an underserved population, family physicians as providers of adolescent health care, common health problems of adolescent, problems with major psychosocial components, approach to adolescent patient, innovations in the delivery of services to adolescents (adolescent health care clinics, school-based clinics)
- Special consideration in caring the geriatric patient: Initial encounter, assessing the geriatric patient, addressing the problems of the geriatric patient, home visit, health maintenance, longterm care placement
- Primary care of the athlete: Preparticipation sports examinations, identifying the causes of athletic injuries (predicposing factors, determining the mechanism of injury, assessing the patient with recurrent injury, evaluating acute injuries, preventive measures)
- Preventive care: Scope of prevention in family practice, implementing prevention, education and counselling, prevention-oriented office system, community advocacy for health, wellness program in family practice
- Prenatal care: Perspective in prenatal care, prenatal care in the office (preconception planning, diagnosing pregnancy, first trimester prenatal care), history and risk assessment, second trimester prenatal care, third trimester prenatal care, family physicians and obstetric consultants
- Healthy child care and healthy adult care: Risk factor identification, immunization, diagnostic screening (growth and development, cardiovascular screening, musculoskeletal screening, scoliosis, hearing screening, vision screening, caries prevention, laboratory screening, education during healthy child visits), injury and accident prevention, immunizations for overseas traveler (recommendations for immunizations), screening for asymptomatic disease, patient education, implementing preventive care, challenges in preventive care
- Patient education and Health promotion: Improving patient compliance, a systemic approach to educate patients (establish rapport, identify needs, assess potential barrier to compliance, negotiate a plan, instruct the patient in the plan, evaluate the understanding, monitor the patient, putting it all together), assessment for health promotion, health promotion counselling, barriers of successful health promotion, community health promotion, specific health promotion strategies
- Medical record in family practice: Record form (Family folder, family health book), type (manual medical record, electronic medical record), problem oriented medical record (data base - information, problem list, plans - interventions, progress note), international classification of primary care
- Complimentary and alternative medicine: Scope and definition, variety of modalities (traditional herbs, herbal therapy, homeopathy, Ayurveda, Yoga, angel healing, etc.), integrative medicine
- Managing a medical practice: Clinic setup, recruiting and assigning job, improving ability and progress of staff, medical and non medical equipment, management-efficiency-intervention, maintenance-storage-security-inventorization of asset)
- Consultation and referral in Family Doctor practice: Medical referral, health referral, characteristic of consultation and referral, problem in consultation and referral, methods of consultation and referral, authority division and responsibility)
3. Medical Research:
- Data processing and analyzing: Application of data principle, statistic in descriptive statistic and analytic statistic study
- Behavioral data processing and analyzing: Application of analysis principle, behavioral data, scale of attitude, analyzing of behavioral data
- Writing research report: Application of general form of scientific report, application in principle of abstract in scientific report, application in principle of research result (narration-text, tables, graphic, content table), application in principle of discussion and conclusion-suggestion, application in systematic writing of scientific report's result
4. Culture:
- Social-cultural and health
- Health care system and social-cultural adaptation strategy
- Social-cultural and health care: Primary health care, cultural variation in healthy and ill condition
- Social-culture pattern in community: obstacle and stimulant in health management: social-cultural- psychological factor that inhibit and stimulating health innovation
- Positive and negative consequence in context of social-culture and environment change
- Cross cultural psychiatry
- Social-cultural factor in problem management of degenerative-cardiovascular disease
- Social-cultural aspect in sexuality problem
- Social-cultural aspect in decision of health care (birth, old age, death, patient with terminal disease)
5. Medical Statistic:
- Data entry with SPSS (laboratory topic)
- Descriptive statistic analysis with SPSS (laboratory topic)
- Analyzing with chi square by using SPSS (laboratory topic)
- Independent T test analysis with SPSS (laboratory topic)
- Dependent T test analysis with SPSS (laboratory topic)
- Anova analysis with SPSS (laboratory topic)
6. Behavioral Science:
- Introduction of Behavioral Science: Definition of behavior, specific characteristic of behavior, general characteristic of behavior, behavioral form, behavior based on Skiner theory
- Behavioral domain: Definition of behavioral domain, definition of knowledge, stages of knowledge, definition of attitude, stages of attitude, definition of action, stages of action
- Behavioral determinant: Definition of behavioral determinant, behavioral determinant based on Lawrence Green, WHO, Snehandu B Kar theories
- Behavioral changes: Behavioral changes (stimulus organism response) theory, functional theory, form of behavioral changes, behavioral changes strategy, behavior adoption process, model in reduction of fear, Rogers' theory of adoption innovation, power struggle theory, Green's model of behavioral changes, Rosenstock's model of believe
- Illness behavior: Health behavior, concept of healthy and illness, community perception of healthy and illness, perception and behavior of illness, causes in behavior and reaction of illness, illness behavior analysis, cultural effect in illness behavior, theory of decision maker, role of illness behavior
- Medication complianceness behavior: Compliance-adherence-concordance, affecting factor in complianceness of medication, strategy in increasing of complianceness
- Health care usage model: community action when getting sick, health care usage theory, decision making model, affecting factor in health care usage, health believe model
*This medical syllabus copied and edited from 4 manual books for 7th semester medical student from my university during my era.
**The topic currently discussed for 7th semester medical student in my university may different from this syllabus due to progression of medical knowledge and improvement of quality for medical syllabus based on my university assessment.
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