Monday, April 27, 2020

Behavioral Science

The purpose I share my medical syllabus during my era is to help me know the topic should I revise during my free time to improve my medical knowledge and to give an idea for future medical students about the topic they would learn in medical school.

Topic of Behavioral Science discussed during my time in Medical School:

7th semester:
- Introduction of Behavioral Science: Definition of behavior, specific characteristic of behavior, general characteristic of behavior, behavioral form, behavior based on Skiner theory
- Behavioral domain: Definition of behavioral domain, definition of knowledge, stages of knowledge, definition of attitude, stages of attitude, definition of action, stages of action
- Behavioral determinant: Definition of behavioral determinant, behavioral determinant based on Lawrence Green, WHO, Snehandu B Kar theories
- Behavioral changes: Behavioral changes (stimulus organism response) theory, functional theory, form of behavioral changes, behavioral changes strategy, behavior adoption process, model in reduction of fear, Rogers' theory of adoption innovation, power struggle theory, Green's model of behavioral changes, Rosenstock's model of believe
- Illness behavior: Health behavior, concept of healthy and illness, community perception of healthy and illness, perception and behavior of illness, causes in behavior and reaction of illness, illness behavior analysis, cultural effect in illness behavior, theory of decision maker, role of illness behavior
- Medication complianceness behavior: Compliance-adherence-concordance, affecting factor in complianceness of medication, strategy in increasing of complianceness
- Health care usage model: community action when getting sick, health care usage theory, decision making model, affecting factor in health care usage, health believe model

*This medical syllabus copied and edited from 3 manual books for 7th semester medical student from my university during my era. 
**The topic currently discussed in my university may different from this syllabus due to progression of medical knowledge and improvement of quality for medical syllabus based on my university assessment.

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