The purpose I share my medical syllabus during my era is to help me know the topic should I revise during my free time to improve my medical knowledge and to give an idea for future medical students about the topic they would learn in medical school.
Topic discussed during my 5th Semester in Medical School:
Topic discussed during my 5th Semester in Medical School:
1. Public Health:
- Global strategy for the prevention and control of sexually transmitted infection (STI): Epidemiology, education, counselling, managing patient's sexual partner, management of STI in health care center
- Global strategy for the prevention of Hepatitis B: Epidemiology, transmission, clinical features, geographical distribution
- Hepatitis B immunization strategies: Routine infant vaccination, prevention of perinatal Hepatitis B virus transmission, catch-up vaccination of older persons, management guideline of information for health workers and parents
- Hepatitis B vaccine: Vaccine (monitoring vaccine coverage), advocacy and communication (assessing Hepatitis B disease burden and the impact of Hepatitis B immunization)
- Blindness in Indonesia: Preventive ophthalmology of eye infection, amblyopia, radiation injury, glaucoma, drug-related visual loss, xeropthalmia, metabolic and genetic related eye disorder
2. Medical Research:
- Evidence based medicine in therapy decision: Introduction, worksheet of therapy and critical appraisal of medical journal related to therapy
- Evidence based medicine in prognosis decision: Introduction, worksheet of therapy and critical appraisal of medical journal related to prognosis
- Evidence based medicine in harm decision: Introduction, worksheet of harm and critical appraisal of medical journal related to harm
- Metaanalysis: Systemic review, metaanalysis in evident-based medicine
3. Religion (Christian - Protestant):
- Abortion cases in Protestant: Human as a creation of god, life and death in Bible, abortion in Christianity etiquette
- Reproduction and gender in Christianity: Human as a social creation, sexuality differences, sex and order to reproduce (to have child), gender problems and gender equality in Bible
- Unnatural pregnancy in Christianity: Marriage as a unity of life and child as god's blessing, parents responsibility in formation of family, Christianity etiquette in test-tube baby, insemination, ovum donation and surrogate mother
- Contraception in Christianity: Concept of sex as physical expression of love, basic concept of family planning in Bible, theological etiquette of contraception pill, intrauterine device (IUD), implant, condom. spermicide, diaphragm, sterilization, and calendar system
- Death and dying in Christianity: Terminology of "death" in Protestant, types of death and basic characteristic of human being, temporary life in sheol, second-time arrival of Jesus and awaken of human being
- Euthanasia: Definition of euthanasia, problem of euthanasia in medical and Christianity ettiquette, role of church in euthanasia problems
- Organ transplantation: Transplantation technology and it's problem, basic practice in order to get organ for transplantation, etiquette decision of human organ transplantation in Protestant aspect
- Development of child's behavior and personality: Effect of religion to child's behavior and personality development, child and development as an ethical creature, child and changing of behavior-personality
- Ethical code of Indonesian doctor, oath, medical problems and violation of law: Ethical code of Indonesian doctor and oath in Protestant aspect, main norm in Christianity etiquette, conscience role as source of norm, modern world-medical problems and violation of law, malpractice cases
- Community rights for health care
- Service to patient in general and service to terminal-ill patient in Christianity aspect
- Service to depressive patient, disable patient, suicidal patient in Protestant aspect
- Communication with patient
4. Religion (Buddhism):
- Medical bioethiquette in Buddhism perspective
- History of medicine and medical concept in Buddhism
- Medical service to patient in Buddha Dharma perspective
- Genetic in Buddha Dharma perspective
- Abortion cases in Buddha Dharma's opinion
- Unnatural pregnancy in Buddhism: Acceptable and non-acceptable unnatural pregnancy method by Buddha Dharma
- Contraception in Buddhism: Acceptable and non-acceptable contraception method by Buddha Dharma, opinion of Buddha Dharma related to family planning program.
- Death and dying in Buddhism: Terminology of "death" in Buddha Dharma's perspective, types of death in Buddha Dharma, mental preparedness to face death, care of dying patient, things need to be prepared by dead patient's family
- Euthanasia: Law of Karma in Buddhism, euthanasia in Buddhism aspect
- Drug abuse and overdosing of drugs in Buddha Darma's perspective
- Mental disorder, psychotherapy and neuroscience in Buddha Darma's perspective
- Sexual deviation, AIDS and sexually transmitted infection in Buddha Darma's perspective
5. Religion (Hinduism):
- Doctor's oat and analyzing etiquette code in Hinduism
- Physical health concept in Hinduism
- Spiritual health concept in Hinduism
- Sexuality concept in Hinduism: Definition of Wiwaha (marriage), prohibition for husband and wife in certain type of sexual activity, prohibition of premarital sex
- AIDS concept in Hinduism
- Contraception methods in Hinduism
- Nias (mestruation bleed) and cuntaka (puerperal bleed) concept in Hinduism
- Abortion law in Hiduism
- Concept of children's growth and development in Hinduism
- Euthanasia concept in Hinduism
- Ayur Weda (health treatment) in Hinduism
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