The purpose I share my medical syllabus during my era is to help me know the topic should I revise during my free time to improve my medical knowledge and to give an idea for future medical students about the topic they would learn in medical school.
Topic discussed during my 1st Semester in Medical School:
Topic discussed during my 1st Semester in Medical School:
1. Biochemistry:
a. Basic Science in Medicine (General Knowledge):
- Molecular of life
- Genetic information: DNA structure, replication-transcription-translation in protein synthesis, gene regulation and expression, cell cycle, protein synthesis inhibitor, mutation and its effect
- Organisation of cell: Cell membrane, membrane transport
- Communication of cell: Molecular endocrinology
- Enzyme: Enzyme and co-enzyme, molecular mechanism of enzyme reaction, enzyme kinetic
- Biochemistry reaction: Biological oxidation, TCA cycle and chain of respiration
- Isolation of DNA
- Isolation of DNA (laboratory topic)
- Enzyme activity (laboratory topic)
b. Basic Science in Medicine (Mechanisms of Disease and Physiological Responses):
- Immunodeficiency (tutorial topic)
2. Chemistry:
a. Basics Science in Medicine (General Knowledge):
- Bio molecules: Carbohydrate, Lipid, Protein, Nucleic Acid (and nucleotide), Water and Solution
- Enzyme: Basic of chemistry kinetic
- Biochemistry reaction: Thermodynamic, Reduction-Oxidation reaction
- Carbohydrate (laboratory topic)
- Lipid (laboratory topic)
- Protein (laboratory topic)
3. Nutrition:
a. Basics Science in Medicine (General Knowledge):
- Bio molecules: Macro and Micro-mineral, Vitamin
b. Basic Science in Medicine (Diagnosis and Therapy/ Intervention at Cellular/ Molecular Level):
- Non-Pharmacological intervention: Dietary supplementation
4. Biology:
a. Basics Science in Medicine (General Knowledge):
- Genetic information: Basic of DNA replication and chromosome
- Organisation of cell: Prokaryotic, Eukaryotic and organelle of cell
- Replication of cell: Mitosis, proliferation and differentiation of cell
- Early embryonic development: Gametogenesis and embriogenesis
- Cell structure and chick embryo (laboratory topic)
5. Physiology:
a. Basics Science in Medicine (General Knowledge):
- Organisation of cell: Potential membrane
- Communication of cell: Types of communication of cell
6. Histology:
a. Basics Science in Medicine (General Knowledge):
- Organisation of cell: Cell and tissue
- Structure of epithelial tissue and connective tissue (laboratory topic)
7. Physics:
a. Basics Science in Medicine (General Knowledge):
- Introduction to microscope
- Introduction to microscope (laboratory topic)
b. Basics Science in Medicine (Diagnosis and Therapy/ Intervention at Cellular/ Molecular Level):
- Instrumental units
- Characteristic and theory of error in measurement
- Usage technique and care of laboratory instruments
- Microscope and optical devices
- Radiotheraphy: Emission and absorption of radiation, ionizing radiation effect to biological system in cell and biomolecular level, CT, CT-Scan, TOMOtherapy, PET Scan, Nuclear Medicine, Fluoroscopy, radioisotope in medicine, principle of laser ray, ultrasonic, MRI and their usage in Medicine
- Laboratory instrument principle: Spectroscope and polarimeter (laboratory topic)
8. Microbiology:
a. Basics Science in Medicine (Mechanisms of Disease and Physiological Responses):
- Introduction and history of microorganism
- Bacterial morphology, structure, physiology and metabolism
- Pathogenesis of bacterial infection
- Bacterial classification and taxonomy
- Bacterial genetic
- Pyogenic cocci
- Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonas
- Actinomycetaceae and Nocardiaceae
- Listeria and Erysipelothrix
- Spore gram-positive bacteria
- Legionella and Rickettsia
- Small rod gram-negative bacteria
- Spirochaeta and Mycoplasma
- Anaerobic bacteria
- Differentiation on characteristic between bacteria, mycoplasma and virus
- Basic characteristic, morphology, structure and classification of virus
- Rhabdoviridae and Filoviridae
- Adenoviridae and Papovaviridae
- Paramyxoviridae and Orthomyxoviridae
- Togaviridae
- Picornaviridae
- Viral reproduction and interaction between virus and cell
- Classification and structure of fungi
- Coccidiodomycosis and Paracoccidiodomycosis
- Phaeohypomycosis and Hyalohypomycosis
- Fungi of systemic mycosis infection (Histoplasma, Blastomyces)
- Cryptococcus neoformans
- Nosocomial infection
- Opportunistic infection
- Immunity mechanism over microbial infection
- Demostration of laboratory apparatus, introduction to sterilization technique and growth media for bacteria and fungi (wet laboratory topic)
- Normal flora, growth and contaminant (wet laboratory topic)
- Aerobic rod Gram positive bacteria (wet laboratory topic)
- Anaerobic bacteria (wet laboratory topic)
- Pyogenic cocci (dry laboratory topic)
- Vibrionaceae
- Enterobacteriaceae and vibrionaceae (dry laboratory topic)
- Sensitivity test for antimicrobial drugs (dry laboratory topic)
b. Basic Science in Medicine (Diagnosis and Therapy/ Intervention at Cellular/ Molecular Level):
- Sampling the microbial specimen
- Bacterial colonizing procedure from clinical specimen
- Interpretation from bacterial colonizing and sensitivity test for antimicrobial drugs
9. Parasitology:
a. Basic Science in Medicine (Mechanisms of Disease and Physiological Responses):
- Definition and classification of parasites based on their habitat inside human body
- Mechanism of parasitic infection
- Morphology of parasite
- Immunity mechanism over parasitic infection
- Nematodes (dry laboratory topic)
- Trematodes and cestodes (dry laboratory topic)
- Protozoa (dry laboratory topic)
- Plasmodium (dry laboratory topic)
10. Immunology and Haematology:
a. Basic Science in Medicine (General Knowledge):
- Innate immunity
- Lymphocyte activation process in acquired immunity
- B lymphocyte and antibody
- T lymphocyte
- Cytotoxic T lymphocyte in cellular immunity response
- Inflammatory T lymphocyte
- Complementary system
- Antigen-antibody reaction
- Immunodeficiency
11. Pathology (Anatomical):
a. Basic Science in Medicine (General Knowledge):
- Cell damage and cell death
- Inflammation
- Function of immune system to fight tumor and cancer
b. Basic Science in Medicine (Diagnosis and Therapy/ Intervention at Cellular/ Molecular Level):
- Alteration of cell and tissue
- Management process of tissue specimen (laboratory topic)
- Microscopic image of tissue (laboratory topic)
12. Pathology (Clinical):
a. Basic Science in Medicine (Diagnosis and Therapy/ Intervention at Cellular/ Molecular Level):
- ELISA, PCR, and Electrophoresis
- Sampling the specimen
- Usage of anti-coagulant and specimen delivery
13. Pharmacology:
a. Basic Science in Medicine (Diagnosis and Therapy/ Intervention at Cellular/ Molecular Level):
- Pharmacotherapy: Basic principle of Pharmacology, Basic principle of Pharmacokinetic, Basic principle of Pharmacodynamic, Pharmacogenetic (Pharmocogenomic), drug interaction
- Resistancy: Basic Principle of resistance and mechanism of resistancy
*This medical syllabus copied and edited from 3 manual books for 1st semester medical student from my university during my era.
**The topic currently discussed for 1st semester medical student in my university may different from this syllabus due to progression of medical knowledge and improvement of quality for medical syllabus based on my university assessment.
**The topic currently discussed for 1st semester medical student in my university may different from this syllabus due to progression of medical knowledge and improvement of quality for medical syllabus based on my university assessment.
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