Sunday, April 19, 2020

Basic Subjects For A Medical Student (Part 6a/7)

The purpose I share my medical syllabus during my era is to help me know the topic should I revise during my free time to improve my medical knowledge and to give an idea for future medical students about the topic they would learn in medical school.

Topic discussed during my 6th Semester in Medical School:

1. Anatomy:
a. Brain and Mind System:
- Reticular formation: Basics structure of reticular formation
- Limbic system: Basics structure of limbic system
- Basics of reticular formation structure and limbic system (laboratory topic)

2. Physiology:
a. Brain and Mind System:
- Sensoric function of central nervous system: Sensoric mechanism of central nervous system (tutorial topic)
- Motoric function of central nervous system: Motoric mechanism of central nervous system (tutorial topic)
- Basic physiology of Electroencephalogram  (EEG)
- Process of consciousness: Reticular formation function in process of consciousness
- Brain chemistry
- Physiology of emotion and limbic system
- Physiology of motivated behavior
- Formation and function of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) (tutorial topic)
- Intellectual function of central nervous system: Learning process, language and memory
b. Emergency Medicine:
- Airway problems due to environment factor: Hyperbaric pressure, Hypobaric pressure, High altitude problem, effect of increased partial pressure gases (nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide), acute mountain sickness, acclimatization process and its benefit, nitrogen narcosis in diving, decompression disorder and its prevention, acute oxygen intoxication in diving, acute of carbon dioxide intoxication in diving, benefit of hyperbaric oxygen therapy
- Local tissue cord injury: Body temperature regulation mechanism, body response in hot environment, body adaptation in hot environment, body response in cold environment, body adaptation in cold environment, type of local tissue cold injury (frosnip, frosbite, nonfreezing injury), management of frosbite and nonfreezing cold injuries, local wound care of frostbite
- Survival without supportive equipment in mountain area, sea, and desert 

3. Physics:
a. Brain and Mind System:
- Bioelectric of body: Nervous system, electrical signal from brain
- Usage of electric and magnet

4. Biochemistry:
a. Brain and Mind System:
- Formation and function of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) (tutorial topic)

5. Pharmacology:
a. Brain and Mind System:
- Pharmacology of central nervous system: Ionized voltage-gated canal and ligand-gated  in neuronal membrane, drug mechanism in modulation of synaps transmission, excitatory of central neurotransmitter
- Pharmacology of analgesic: Pharmacology of opioid analgesic, pharmacology of opioid antagonist receptor, pharmacology of non-opioid analgesic
- Pharmacology of medication used in extrapyramidal disorder
- Pharmacology of anti epilepsy agent
- Pharmacology of medication used in headache and vertigo
- Pharmacology of narcotic and addictive substance (Narcotic-Alcohol-Psychotropic-Addictive substance)
- Pharmacology of anti-psychotic drug
- Basic pharmacology  of lithium and mood stabilizer drug
- Basic pharmacology of antidepressant
- Side effect of psychoactive drug
b. Emergency Medicine:
- Pharmacology in emergency cases or critical illness: Management of drug withdrawal, pharmacological therapy in emergency cases (dopamine, dobutamine, adrenaline, digoxine, amiodarone, anticonvulsants, medication used in hypertensive crisis, morphine, pethidine)
- Pharmacological therapy for drugs or substance poisoning

6. Pathology (Anatomical):
a. Brain and Mind System:
- Neoplasm of central nervous system: Primary neuroglial tumor (Glioma: Well deffirentiated astrocytoma, anaplastic astrocytoma, glioblastoma multiforme), primitive neuroepithelial neoplasm (medulloblastoma), neuronal neoplasm (ganglion cell tumor), benign tumor in nervous system (meningioma, hemangioblastoma)
- Primary disease of myelin (multiple sclerosis)
- Nervous system infection disease: Meningitis, encephalitis, viral encephalitis
- Histopathology of nerve disorder (laboratory topic)

7. Neurology:
a. Brain and Mind System:
- Spasticity: Upper motor neuron (UMN) paralysis and lower motor neuron (LMN) paralysis, cortical lesion, sub-cortical lesion, brain stem lesion, spinal medulla lesion, peripheral nerve lesion, neural-muscular junction lesion, muscle lesion
- Extrapyramidal disorder: Parkinson syndrome, hyperkinetic-hypotonic syndrome
- Consciousness disturbances: Definition of consciousness, coma (degree of unconsciousness, metabolic coma, diencephalic coma), Glasgow coma scale (GCS), pattern of respiration, brainstem reflex, management of coma
- Inflammation of central nervous system: Purulent meningitis, serous meningitis, encephalitis
- Cortical function disorder: Function of cerebral cortex and its functional disorder
- Brain's blood flow disorder: Pathophysiology, classification and risk factor of brain's blood flow disorder, transient ischaemic attack (TIA), hemorrhagic stroke (intracerebral, subarachnoid, post-stoke symptoms and prevention of hemorrhagic stroke), non-hemorrhagic stroke (cerebral thrombosis and cerebral embolism)
- Brain's blood flow disorder: Pathophysiology, classification and risk factor of brain's blood flow disorder, transient ischaemic attack (TIA), hemorrhagic stroke (intracerebral, subarachnoid, post-stoke symptoms and prevention of hemorrhagic stroke), non-hemorrhagic stroke (cerebral thrombosis and cerebral embolism) (tutorial topic)
- Epilepsy and status epilepticus
- Trauma of central nervous system
- Headache
- Vertigo
- Cerebral tumor
- Cranial nerve I (Olfactory nerve) disorder: Symptom, examination of cranial nerve I, Foster-Kennedy syndrome
- Cranial nerve II (Optic nerve) disorder: Symptom, examination of cranial nerve II, optical neuritis, papillitis, retinal atrophy edema, visual acuity disorder, chiasmatic lesion
- Cranial nerve III, IV, VI disorder: Symptom, examination of cranial nerve III, IV, VI, movement of eyeball and pupil, ophthalmoplegia, strabismus, conjugate eye deviation disease
- Cranial nerve V (Trigeminal nerve) disorder: Symptom, examination of cranial nerve V, branches of trigeminal nerve, types of trigeminal nerve neuralgia
- Cranial nerve VII (Facial nerve) disorder: Symptom, examination of cranial nerve VII, Tics, facial nerve neuralgia, crocodile tears
- Cranial nerve VIII (Vestibulocochlear nerve) disorder: Symptom, examination of cranial nerve VIII (Swabach, Rinne, Weber), deafness, tinnitus, vertigo, nistagmus, Meniere syndrome
- Cranial nerve IX (Glossopharyngeal nerve) disorder: Symptom, examination of cranial nerve IX, Vernett syndrome, glossopharyngeal nerve neuralgia
- Cranial nerve X (Vagus nerve) disorder: Symptom, examination of cranial nerve X (oculocardiac-pharyngeal, carotid sinus reflex)
- Cranial nerve XI (Accessory nerve) disorder: Symptom, examination of cranial nerve XI
- Cranial nerve XII (Hypoglossal nerve) disorder: Symptom, examination of cranial nerve XII
- Autonomic nervous system disorder: Physical examination of autonomic nervous system, Specific abnormal respiratory pattern, neurogenic urinary bladder disease, central fever (regulation of body temperature impairment), diabetes insipidus, Hischsprung disease, Horner syndrome, causalgia, excessive sweating, Beurger syndrom
- Periphery nervous system disorder: Diabetic neuropathy, alcoholic neuropathy, autonomic neuropathy, Guillain-Barre syndrome
- Spinal medulla disorder: Symptom, traumatic spinal medulla disease, tumor-related spinal medulla disorder (intramedullary, extramedullar intradural, extramedullar  extradural tumor), medulla spinal infection, congenital disorder of medulla spinal
- Back pain: Herniated nucleus pulposus (HNP) spondylosis, spondylolisthesis, Tuberculous spondylitis, spondyloarthrosis
- Nociceptive pain and neuropathic pain
- Neuralgia: Occipital neuralgia, Brachialgia, Erb's-Duchene paralysis, intercostal neuralgia, pudendal neuralgia
- Myopathy: Myositis, poliomyositis, myotonia, neuro-muscular junction disorder - Myastenia Gravis, periodic paralysis
- History taking and doctor-patient communication in neurological cases (skills laboratory topic)
- Physical examination of motoric system (skills laboratory topic)
- Physical examination of sensoric and vertebral system (skills laboratory topic)
- Physical examination of reflexes and sign of radicular pain (skills laboratory topic)
- Physical examination of cerebellar-coordination-meningeal stimulation function (skills laboratory topic)
- Physical examination of neurology in children (skills laboratory topic)
b. Emergency Medicine:
- Neurology emergencies: Headache (migraine), peripheral nervous system disturbance, epilepsy, medulla spinal disturbance, hypokalemic periodic paralysis 

8. Microbiology:
a. Brain and Mind System:
- Microbes in central nervous system infection: Purulent meningitis (Pyogenic cocci - N. meningitidis & S. pneumoniae, type B Hemophilus influenza, Stapylococcus aureus, Listeria monocytogenes), granulomatous meningitis (Mycobacterium tuberculosis - tuberculous meningitis, Treponema pallidum, Cryptococcus neoformans, Coccidioides immitis, Histoplasma capsulatum), aseptic meningitis (Poliovirus, Coxackie virus - Enterocytophatic human orphan, Herpes simplex, Paramyxovirus - mumps, Rhabdovirus - rabies virus, Leptospira, Clostridium tetani), encephalitis (Togavirus - Chikungunya & other Arbovirus, Flavivirus, Rabies virus, HIV virus), neurotoxins-producing microbes (Clostridium tetani - tetanospasmin, Clostridium botulinum), brain abscess (Streptococcus species, Staphylococcus aureus, Enterobacteriaceae, Bacterioides)

9. Parasitology:
a. Brain and Mind System:
- Parasites in central nervous system infection: Naegleriasis, Acanthamoebiasis, Neurocysticercosis, Cerebral malaria, Cerebral toxoplasmosis

10. Nutrition:
a. Brain and Mind System:
- Medical nutritional therapy for stroke (tutorial topic)

11. Paediatrics:
a. Brain and Mind System:
- Common epilepsy in children: Infantile spasms, Lennox-Gastaut syndrome
- Febrile fit
b. Emergency Medicine:
- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR): CPR in children and neonatal age group (basic life support, advanced life support)
- Shock in newborn baby and children: Initial assessment (recognition of shock and clinical differentiation of etiological of shock), initial management evaluation
- Trauma in pediatrics: Special considerations in assessment and management of injured child (size and shape, skeleton, surface area, psychological status, long-term effects, equipment), primary management (airway-breathing-circulation and shock, chest trauma cases, abdominal trauma cases, head trauma cases, musculoskeletal trauma cases, battered and abused child)
- Cardiovascular emergency in children: Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT), atrial fibrillation, arterial flutter, cosgestive heart failure, heart temponade
- Respiratory emergency in children: Life threatening asthma, tension pneumothorax
- Neurological emergency in children: Acute convulsion, status convulsion
- Metabolic emergency in children: Hypoglycemia, electrolytes disturbances and acid-base imbalance, uremic encephalopathy, hypertension crisis
- Normal newborn care (with APGAR scoring) (skills laboratory topic)
- Management of neonates and asphyxia cases in children (skills laboratory topic)
- Cardio-pulmonal resuscitation (CPR) in children (skills laboratory topic)
- Fluid resuscitation in children (skills laboratory topic)
- Hamlich maneuver in infant, children and adult (skills laboratory topic)

12. Pathology (Clinical):
a. Brain and Mind System:
- Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) disorder: Cerebrospinal fluid analysis, changes of cerebrospinal fluid in bacterial-viral-fungal infection, changes of cerebrospinal fluid in subarachnoid hemorrhage-intracerebral hematoma-hypertensive encephalopathy-intracranial tumor-metabolic encephalopathy

13. Radiology:
a. Brain and Mind System:
- Radiological investigation in nervous system cases: Schaedel photo, brain CT-scan, brain MRI
b. Emergency Medicine:
- Special diagnostic studies in blunt trauma: X-ray, diagnostic ultrasound, computed tomography

14. Surgery (Neuro):
a. Emergency Medicine:
- Head trauma
- Nervous system neoplasm
- Head trauma: Anatomy (scalp, skull, meninges, brain, cerebrospinal fluid, tentorium), 
- Head trauma: Physiology (intracranial pressure, Monro-Kellie doctrine, cerebral perfusion pressure, cerebral blood flow)
- Head trauma: Classification (Mechanism of injury, severity of injury - GCS score, morphology of injury)
- Management of mild head injury
- Management of moderate head injury
- Management of severe head injury
- Medical therapy for head injury: Intravenous fluids, hyperventilation management, mannitol, furosemide, steroids, barbiturates, anticonvulsants

15. Psychiatry:
a. Brain and Mind System:
- Streams in psychiatry
- Personality
- Emotion
- Intelligence
- Leadership
- Symptomatology of Psychiatry: Thought disorder, affect-mood-emotion disorder, psychomotor disorder, perception disorder, memory disorder, orientation disorder
- Ego defense mechanism
- Personality disorder
- Ego defense mechanism (tutorial topic)
- Personality disorder (tutorial topic)
- Anxiety disorder: Generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), post trauma stress disorder
- Somatoform disorder: Somatisation disorder, hypochondric disorder, conversion disorder, body dysmorphic disorder, pain somatoform disorder
- Addictive substance: Abuse, addiction, withdrawal syndrome, tolerancy, intoxication
- Sexual disorder: Sexual deviation, sexual identity disorder, homosexual, sexual disturbance
- Psychosomatic disorder
- Forensic psychiatry
- Organic mental disorder: Dementia, delirium, organic hallucinosis
- Mood disorder: Bipolar affective disorder, depressive disorder, dysthymic disorder, cyclothymia
- Organic mental disorder: Dementia, delirium, organic hallucinosis (tutorial topic)
- Mood disorder: Bipolar affective disorder, depressive disorder, dysthymic disorder, cyclothymia (tutorial topic)
- Persistent delusional disorder
- Schizophrenia
- Reactive psychosis
- Persistent delusional disorder (tutorial topic)
- Schizophrenia (tutorial topic)
- Reactive psychosis (tutorial topic)
- Psychogeriatric
- Psychophamacology: Antipsychotic, antidepressant, antianxiety, mood stabilizer
- Psychotherapy
- Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
- General history taking and doctor-patient communication in psychiatric cases (skills laboratory topic)
- History taking of family history and doctor-patient communication in psychiatric cases (skills laboratory topic)
- History taking of detailed biography and doctor-patient communication in psychiatric cases (skills laboratory topic)
- History taking of social history and doctor-patient communication in psychiatric cases (skills laboratory topic)
- Examination of mental status (skills laboratory topic)
b. Emergency Medicine:
- Psychiatric emergencies: Schizophrenia, puerperal psychosis, reactive psychosis, bipolar disorder, acute manic episode with psychotic symptom

16. Anesthesiology:
a. Emergency Medicine:
- Initial assessment and management of emergency cases: Primary survey assessment, secondary survey assessment
- Airway and ventilation management: Airway problem (Airway compromise, acute airway obstruction), ventilation (inadequate ventilation), airway and ventilation management technique (triple airway maneuver, needle cricothyrotomy, needle thoracenthesis, chest drain)
- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR): CPR in adult (basic life support, advance life support), CPR in children and neonatal age group (basic life support, advanced life support)
- Initial assessment of shock: Basic cardiac physiology, blood loss pathophysiology, recognition of shock, clinical differentiation of etiology of shock (Hemorrhagic shock, cardiogenic shock, tension pneumothorax, neurogenic shock, septic shock, anaphylactic shock)
- Initial management of hemorrhagic shock: Definition of hemorrhage, direct effects of hemorrhage, fluid changes secondary to soft tissue injury, physical examination in hemorrhagic shock (airway and breathing, circulation - hemorrhage control, disability - neurological examination, exposure - complete examination), gastric dilatation and decompression, urinary catheter insertion, vascular access lines, initial fluid therapy
- Evaluation of fluid resuscitation and organ perfusion: Evaluation of fluid resuscitation and organ perfusion (general, urinary output, acid-base balance), therapeutic decisions based on response to initial fluid resuscitation (rapid response, transient response,minimal or no response), blood replacement (packed red blood cell, whole blood therapy, crossmatched, specific blood type and type O blood, warming the resuscitation fluid-plasma-crystalloid, autotransfusion, coagulopathy, calcium administration)
- Systemic hypothermia: Signs of hypothermia, management of hypothermia 
- Transfer of patient: Determining the need for patient transfer (interhospital transfer criteria), transferal responsibilities (referring doctor and receiving doctor), modes of transportation, transfer protocols (referring doctor, information to transferring personnel, documentation, prior to transfer, management during in transport vehicle), transferring data
- Disaster management: Integrated emergency service system, disaster emergency service system, standard of operation (SOP) in disaster management
- Application of primary survey system (ABCD) in traumatic patient (skills laboratory topic)
- Airway management technique (skills laboratory topic)
- Glasgow coma scale (GCS) assessment technique (skills laboratory topic)
- Cardio-pulmonal resuscitation (CPR) technique (skills laboratory topic)
- Fluid resuscitation in adult (skills laboratory topic)
- Patient transport and installation of collar brace (skills laboratory topic)
- Anaphylactic shock and cricothyrotomy (skills laboratory topic)
- Hamlich maneuver in infant, children and adult (skills laboratory topic)
- Physical examination of neck (skills laboratory topic)

17. Cardiology:
a. Emergency Medicine:
- Special considerations in the diagnosis and treatment of shock: Equating blood pressure with cardiac output, age, athletes, pregnancy, medications, hypothermia, pacemaker
- Reassessing patient response and avoiding complications: Continuos hemorrhage, fluid overload and central venous pressure (CVP monitoring), recognition of other problems
- Cardiovascular emergencies: Cardiac arrest, cardiogenic pulmonary edema, acute coronary syndrome

18. Cardio-thoracic:
a. Emergency Medicine:
- Trauma of thorax region: Primary survey (Identifing tension pneumothorax, open pneumothorax - sucking chest wound, flail chest, massive hemothorax, cardiac temponade), secondary survey (8 lethal injuries are considered: simple pneumothorax, hemothorax, pulmonary contusion, tracheobronchial tree injury, blunt cardiac injury, traumatic aortic distruption, traumatic diaphragmatic injury, mediastinal traversing wounds), management (thoracic needle decompression, chest tube insertion, pericardiocentesis)

19. Pulmonology:
a. Emergency Medicine:
- Pulmonary emergencies: Hemoptysis, respiratory failure, exacerbation of asthma, exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, sepsis with shock and respiratory failure, pneumothorax, atelectasis, pulmonary embolism (PE), lung edema, near drowning, foreign bodies in respiratory organs, , massive pleural effusion, inhalation of toxic gases-toxic-fire, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)

20. Gastroenterology (Surgical):
a. Emergency Medicine:
- Abdominal trauma: Anatomy (Anterior abdomen, flank, back, peritoneal cavity, pelvic cavity, retroperitoneal space), mechanism (blunt trauma, penetrating trauma), initial assessment (history taking, physical examination, evaluation of penetrating wounds, local exploration of stab wounds, assessing pelvic stability, examination of penile-perineal-rectal-vaginal-gluteal), insertion of gastric tube, urinary catheter, blood and urine sampling, diagnostic peritoneal lavage
- Digestive system emergencies: Acute abdomen (peritonitis, illeus, appendicitis), gastointestinal tract bleed (upper and lower)

21. Gastroenterology (Medical):
a. Emergency Medicine:
- Intoxication of alcohol, drug abuse, analgesic, xanthines, cardiac medication, organophosphate, toxic gases, sedative hypnotic, psychopharmacological agents, anticholinergic syndrome

22. Orthopedic:
a. Emergency Medicine:
- Musculoskeletal trauma: Primary survey (initial asessment, control of bleeding, facture immobilization, x-ray), secondary survey (history taking and physical examination)
- Potentially life-threatening extremity injuries: Pelvic disruption with hemorrhage, major arterial hemorrhage, crush syndrome
- Limb threatening injuries: Open fracture and joint injuries, vascular injuries including traumatic amputation, compartment syndrome, neurologic injury secondary to fracture dislocation
- Other extremity injuries: Contusions and lacerations, joint injuries, fractures, principles of immobilization, pain control

23. Plastic:
a. Emergency Medicine:
- Immediate life-saving measures for burn injuries: Airway, stop the burning process, intravenous lines, assessing the burn patient (history taking, body surface area, depth of burn), stabilizing the patient (airway, breathing, circulating blood volume, physical examination, flow sheet, baseline determinations for the major burn patient - blood & x-rays, circumferential extremity burns - maintenance of peripheral circulation, gastric tube insertion, narcotic-analgesics-sedatives, wound care, antibiotics), special burn requirements (chemical burns and electrical burns), criteria for transfer

24. Urology:
a. Emergency Medicine:
- Renal and genitourinary system emergencies: Urinary tract infection (UTI), male genital problems, dialysis patient, urological stone disease

25. Endocrinology:
a. Emergency Medicine:
- Endocrine emergencies: Diabetic coma, alcoholic ketoacidosis, lactic acidosis, thyroid crisis

26. Immunology and Hematology:
a. Emergency Medicine:
- Hematologic emergencies: Acquired bleeding disorders, hemophilia, hemolytic anemia

27. Opthalmology:
a. Emergency Medicine:
- Ophthalmologic emergencies: Ocular trauma, hifema, corneal ulcer, acute glaucoma, endophthalmitis, retinal ablation

28. ENT:
a. Emergency Medicine:
- ENT emergencies: Otolaryngologic emergencies, nasal emergencies, maxillofacial trauma

29. Dermatology:
a. Emergency Medicine:
- Skin emergencies: Allergic skin disease

*This medical syllabus copied and edited from 2 manual books for 6th semester medical student from my university during my era. 
**The topic currently discussed for 6th semester medical student in my university may different from this syllabus due to progression of medical knowledge and improvement of quality for medical syllabus based on my university assessment.

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